September Perennial of the Month-Pink turtlehead
I love plants that shine in late summer or autumn! After the trials of a typical St. Louis Summer, most plants show some wear and tear, so it’s refreshing to see a beautiful…
September Shrub of the Month-Carolina allspice
With a common name as beautiful and intriguing as Carolina allspice, you’d think it would be more popular. Sadly, it’s another underused and underappreciated shrub that I hope this article will help change.…
August Perennial of the Month-Black-eyed Susan
An Old English poem titled ‘Sweet William’s Farewell to Black-Eyed Susan’ is supposedly the origin of the common name for Rudbeckia fulgida. This Missouri native might have English roots, but she knows how…
August Shrub of the Month-Crape myrtle
It happens every summer. I get emails or phone calls asking, “What’s that big bush with the pink flowers on the corner of….” The reaction is usually surprise when I say it’s a…
November Perennial of the Month-Prairie dropseed
Summer has finally released us from its sweaty grip, and we face the long winter ahead without any perennials to admire, right? Not so much. Winter gives us time to admire and respect…
October Perennial of the Month-Hardy begonia
Begonia grandis Begonias. The staple of annual plantings that most people recognize. Angel wing, tuberose, rex … all begonias are annuals, right? Enter the hardy begonia that in St. Louis starts performing in…
Welcome to Garden-Lou!
St. Louis is a showcase of spectacular gardens, both public and private, a mecca for annual garden tours and events, and a hotbed of horticultural and floral design talent, from amateur to professional.…
September Perennial of the Month-New England aster
Perennial of the Month New England aster Symphyotrichum novae-angliae What would we do without the asters every fall? While the rest of the garden prays for an early frost to put it out of its…