July Tree of the Month-Kentucky Coffee Tree
The Kentucky coffee tree (Gymnocladus dioicus) is considered rare by conservation standards regarding its native distribution. Although rare in the wild, as a domesticated species, it’s becoming more popular in parks, public gardens,…
July Shrub of the Month-Annabelle Hydrangea
The smooth hydrangea cultivar ‘Annabelle’ was not named after one lady but two. Two “Belles” from Anna, Illinois, Harriet Kirkpatrick and her daughter Amy, found the original plant while horseback riding (We will…
July Perennial of the Month-Blazing star
Surely, Dr. Suess was inspired by our native Liatris species, commonly called blazing star or gayfeather. The purple flowerheads are comprised of multiple flowers called florets, crammed together on one stem, each resembling…
May Shrub of the Month-Ninebark
Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius) gets its common name from the fascinating peeling bark of its mature stems. The leaves hide this feature during the growing season but come fall and winter, it’s an excellent trait…
February Shrub of the Month-Cornelian cherry
Branches that can be brought indoors and forced to bloom are welcome when spring is taking too long to arrive. One uncommon shrub that is easy to force indoors for long-lasting blooms is…
February Perennial of the Month-Northern sea oats
The seed heads of Northern sea oats (Chasmanthium latifolium) seem to whisper in the fall and winter on the slightest breeze. The attractive seed heads are uniquely flat, unlike their fellow fuzzy-headed cousins in…
February Tree of the Month-Sycamore
The brilliant contrast of crisp white branches against a deep, true-blue sky is one thing that endears the sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) to many. Sycamores can grow to be giants among their neighboring trees…
January Tree of the Month-Southern magnolia
When it’s below zero, snowing, sleeting, and just plain miserable outdoors, it might help to conjure visions of the deep South. Warm temps and even warmer Southern Charm are one thing the southern…
January Shrub of the Month-Yew
When I purchased my current home in 1995, the front yard was a poster child of typical mid-century foundation plantings with a square-shaped yew (Taxus spp.) hedge in the standard position under the front…
January Perennial of the Month-Sweet flag
The typical perennial shade garden usually includes plenty of hostas, ferns, and heucheras. The typical perennial shade garden also looks pretty darn bland over the winter months…in fact, some look completely barren. Winter…