November Tree of the Month-Pawpaw
What happens when someone with four paws, finds a pawpaw? The Lewis and Clark expedition first brought pawpaw, Asimina triloba, to the attention of the early European settlers. Historians state the expedition’s famished…
September Tree of the Month-Alder
And the winner for the cutest cone category is … the Alder tree! Face it, the cones are cute. And if you are into fall or holiday crafts, this is your new favorite…
August Tree of the Month-Beech
St. Louis rests on the edge of hardiness for the native North American beech, Fagus grandifolia, which is only found naturally in the central, and southeast corner of Missouri. Whereas our neighbors to…
July Tree of the Month-Kentucky Coffee Tree
The Kentucky coffee tree (Gymnocladus dioicus) is considered rare by conservation standards regarding its native distribution. Although rare in the wild, as a domesticated species, it’s becoming more popular in parks, public gardens,…
May Tree of the Month-Catalpa
A plant-geek typically has to venture into the city or older suburban neighborhoods and parks to witness the grandeur and beauty of a mature catalpa (Catalpa speciosa and C. bignonioides) in full bloom.…
February Tree of the Month-Sycamore
The brilliant contrast of crisp white branches against a deep, true-blue sky is one thing that endears the sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) to many. Sycamores can grow to be giants among their neighboring trees…
December Tree of the Month-Eastern white pine
The noble white pine (Pinus strobus) has a long, rich history in the U.S. David Culross Peattie (A Natural History of Trees) goes as far as to say, “In the three hundred years…
July Tree of the Month-Bur oak
The state champion bur oak, Quercus macrocarpa, has lived just south of Columbia, Mo, for approximately 400 years. According to the current marker, it’s named the Williamson Bur Oak since the Williamson Family has owned…
May Tree of the Month-Fringe tree
The redbuds are done, the dogwoods are fading, and the magnolias are long gone … time for one of the most underused trees to shine-the fringe tree, Chionanthus virginicus. Fringe tree is a…