Featured plants in the Lou!

November Perennial of the Month-Prairie dropseed

Summer has finally released us from its sweaty grip, and we face the long winter ahead without any perennials to admire, right? Not so much. Winter gives us time to admire and respect the ornamental grasses. Most people either love ’em or hate ’em. They can range from 6+ feet with invasive properties to short sedges that you swear were weeds. However, there is a grass for almost every situation Mother Nature can give us. Wet and shady, or full sun and dry. Some are downright beautiful, especially in snow.

Prairie drop seed-Sporobolus heterolepis loves the sun and tolerates the St. Louis heat and humidity like a champ. It stays low, under 24″, and doesn’t require a chainsaw to divide like the other larger ornamental grasses. This native remains in a tidy clump providing food and cover for birds and small mammals providing you don’t trim it in the fall.

(Horticulture pet peeve #34-trimming ornamental grasses in the fall, eliminating the BEST reason to plant them-“Winter Interest”!)

Check out this beautiful mature
mass of Prairie dropseed in front of Kirkwood Presbyterian Church

What I love about this plant- It’s one of the best behaved, truly low-maintenance native grasses around. The flower heads in sunlight or after a rain are beautiful. Doesn’t get huge or out of hand. Has a cilantro-like scent.

What I’m not crazy about-Still needs that once-a-year haircut in early spring, leaving just a crew-cut style tuft that takes a few weeks to fill out. However, the long winter interest this native plant provides is worth a little trouble in spring.

A new planting of Prairie dropseed at St. Louis Union Station
Sunlight on Prairie dropseed-beautiful!

Words and photos by Jo Batzer

© Jo Batzer, garden-lou.com, All rights reserved.