Featured plants in the Lou!

October Shrub of the Month-Fothergilla


Oh the poor fothergillas! One of the most underused shrubs in my opinion, and one that will always warrant a “What is that plant?” question in my garden.

Fothergillas in nature grow in woodland settings, loving organic-rich acid soil. Woodland setting equals SHADE folks, especially from the intense St. Louis afternoon sun. I’ve seen quite a few suffer in full sun, dying, I imagine, a slow, painful death.

If situated right and not allowed to dry out, you are rewarded with fun, fragrant, white, fuzzy flowers in spring, and outstanding color in fall.

It comes in assorted sizes, from Fothergilla major, (big, up to 6-10’) to the most common, F. gardenii and it’s many cultivars. (3-5’ high)

‘Blue Shadow’-probably one of my most favorite shrubs. Beautiful, blue-gray foliage and of course the amazing fall color.

‘Blue Mist’-compact, not as blue as ‘Blue Shadow’ and not as good fall color. For some reason, more available in the trade. Hello?!?!?

‘Legend of the Fall’-a more recent cultivar claiming better fall color than all other fothergillas. Someone let me know if this is true!

What I love about it? Fun flowers, great foliage color depending on cultivar and amazing fall color.

What’s not so great. Some of the cultivars are hard to find. Rabbits do tend to like it.

Fothergilla × intermedia ‘Blue Shadow’

Words and photos by Jo Batzer

© Jo Batzer, garden-lou.com, All rights reserved.