October Perennial of the Month-Kalimeris
Some people think white is boring, but white flowers have a place in almost any garden color scheme. White being neutral, is not technically a color-it’s not on the color wheel. So, what makes white “white” if it’s not an actual color? White is the spectrum reflection of all the other true colors, just as black is the absorption of all the true colors on the spectrum. How ‘unboring’ can you get?

One of my favorite late-season perennials happens to have white flowers-Kalimeris.
Kalimeris pinnatifida, or false aster, is super low-maintenance with a long bloom time from June to frost. Unlike other Kalimeris, which have daisy-like flowers with yellow centers, K. pinnatifida has almost pure white flower heads. The dainty flowers in a mixed border give the appearance of baby’s breath in a bouquet.

Easy to grow in full sun to part-shade, Kalimeris grows 2-3′ high and wide, so it mixes well with either other perennials or shrubs.
What I love about this plant;
-The super-low maintenance.
-The long bloom period.
-It ‘plays well with others’, looking great no matter what color is nearby.
-Perfect for white or moon gardens.
What’s not so great:
-Can flop a bit, especially after heavy rains. Using support hoops or shorter perennials or shrubs in front can help.
-Doesn’t like poorly drained soils.

Words and photos by Jo Batzer
© Jo Batzer, garden-lou.com, All rights reserved.