Featured plants in the Lou!

November Perennial of the Month-Autumn fern

Autumn fern (Dryopteris erythrosora), also called Japanese shield fern, is native to Asia but does well in St. Louis shade gardens without becoming aggressive or invasive. In spring, the new fronds emerge with a warm bronze glow that warms the soul and, in my garden, fade ever so slightly to green for summer, with only the new fronds retaining the bronze color contrasted against the dark green older fronds.

In winter, although the cooper tint is missing, the fronds of Autumn ferns are evergreen if provided a bit of shelter in St. Louis gardens.

In a sheltered location, autumn fern can remain evergreen- a huge plus for most shade gardens that look like barren wastelands in the long St. Louis Winters.

‘Brilliance’ is a common cultivar found in local nurseries and has a brighter cooper color for more drama.

The average height is around 2’, and although it spreads slowly by underground rhizomes, it can form an excellent groundcover over time, providing the soil is not allowed to dry out. 

Reproductive spores are produced in the sporangium along the undersides of fern fronds.

What I love about this plant;

-The beautiful bronze-tinted young fronds.

-The groundcover possibilities.

-Great addition to shade gardens and partners well with hostas, heuchera, and other shade-loving perennials.

-Can be evergreen if sheltered.

-Deer and rabbit resistant.

What’s not so great;

Needs consistently moist soils-do not let dry out!

Comments or questions? Email Garden-Lou at gardenloustl@gmail.com

Words and photos by Jo Batzer

© Jo Batzer, garden-lou.com-2023, All rights reserved.