Featured plants in the Lou!

December Shrub of the Month-Dwarf Japanese Cedar

It’s unique, evergreen, slow-growing, low-maintenance, and, to top it all off, cute.

Are you tired of the cookie-cutter evergreens around your foundation? You know those shrubs, the standard yews or boxwoods, perhaps a holly or an old-school Manhattan euonymus. Like its big brother in its natural tree form, dwarf Japanese cedar, Cryptomeria japonica ‘’Elegans Nana,’ have excellent texture and a slow, steady growth rate. Unlike big brother, the dwarf versions grow into a rounded mound form. The ‘Elegans Nana’ or ‘Compacta’ cultivars stay under 4-6’ with no pruning or trimming and an elegant, cascading texture unique in the garden year-round, especially during winter.

 I love this plant. Although its big brother broke my heart when it died, my experiments with the shrub forms have so far been successful, and I feel good about recommending them.

Dwarf Japanese cedar has no serious diseases or problems other than not being drought tolerant and needing some protection from drying winter winds. It can be difficult to find in the trade, but it is worth the search. If placed properly in your garden, it should give you many low-maintenance years, unlike other evergreen shrubs. Full sun is preferred, but partial shade is tolerated in my garden quite well.

What I love about this plant;

-It’s evergreen

-Super low-maintenance

-Deer tolerant

-Compact size with minimal care.

What’s not so great;

-Needs some protection from drying winter winds.

-Not drought tolerant.

-Hard to find in the trade.

Comments or questions? Email Garden-Lou at gardenloustl@gmail.com

Words and photos by Jo Batzer

© Jo Batzer, garden-lou.com-2024, All rights reserved.