Featured plants in the Lou!
December Perennial of the Month-Christmas fern
It’s the time of year when we focus on evergreens, grasses, and other winter-interest plants. Some of the most surprising evergreens for our area are evergreen ferns. Yes, ferns can be evergreen, and…
November Tree of the Month-Ginkgo
Admit it, you thought about those ginkgo leaf-shaped earrings…if not for you, for the special tree-geek lady in your life. What’s not to love about Ginkgos? Ginkgo fossils have been found older than…
November Shrub of the Month-Staghorn Sumac
We explore another sumac this month-Rhus typhina, or staghorn sumac. Like the other sumacs, staghorn sumac forms colonies frequently found along roadsides or embankments. Unlike its cousin aromatic sumac, staghorn sumac can grow…
November Perennial of the Month-Blue star
It might seem odd to feature a spring-blooming perennial for November, but look at that golden fall color! Not many perennials give so much; flowers, structure, fall color, texture, and winter interest…blue star…
October Perennial of the Month-Kalimeris
Some people think white is boring, but white flowers have a place in almost any garden color scheme. White being neutral, is not technically a color-it’s not on the color wheel. So, what…
October Shrub of the Month-Fragrant sumac
Don’t touch it! The sneaky fragrant sumac, Rhus aromatica, and its trifoliate leaves have fooled many. At first glance, the arrangement of three leaflets looks very similar to poison ivy. This friendly, low-growing…
October Tree of the Month-Ash
This post isn’t just Tree of the Month; it’s a Love letter to my sentimental favorite, the ash tree. I grew up with two white ash trees, Fraxinus americana, one male and one female,…
September Perennial of the Month-Pink turtlehead
I love plants that shine in late summer or autumn! After the trials of a typical St. Louis Summer, most plants show some wear and tear, so it’s refreshing to see a beautiful…
September Shrub of the Month-Carolina allspice
With a common name as beautiful and intriguing as Carolina allspice, you’d think it would be more popular. Sadly, it’s another underused and underappreciated shrub that I hope this article will help change.…
September Tree of the Month-Serviceberry
It seems more and more homeowners are shying away from large trees like oaks or maples. They want something small, they want flowers, they want fall color … some want native. So why…