Featured plants in the Lou!
June Perennial of the Month-Lily
I cannot picture summer without true lilies. (Lilium spp.) True lilies, not to be confused with daylilies (Hemerocallis sp.), are bulbs. And for most gardeners, bulbs=easy. Honestly, you plant them in the ground…
May Tree of the Month-Catalpa
A plant-geek typically has to venture into the city or older suburban neighborhoods and parks to witness the grandeur and beauty of a mature catalpa (Catalpa speciosa and C. bignonioides) in full bloom.…
May Shrub of the Month-Ninebark
Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius) gets its common name from the fascinating peeling bark of its mature stems. The leaves hide this feature during the growing season but come fall and winter, it’s an excellent trait…
May Perennial of the Month-Purple poppy mallow
“Plays well with others, always friendly, positive, and tolerant.” Thus, would read the report card for purple poppy mallow If garden beds were kindergarten classes. Purple poppy mallow (Callirhoe involucrata) is also called…
April Tree of the Month-Japanese flowering cherry/Kwanzan cherry
A tour around the Japanese Garden (Siewa-en) at Missouri Botanical Garden during spring is a feast for the senses. Azaleas, peonies, and, of course, the Yoshino cherry trees. But one tree that sparks…
April Shrub of the Month-Lilac
Growing up, we had an old-fashioned lilac bush along our chain-link fence. It was over 8′ tall with a vase-like shape and branches that arched over the fence into our neighbor Mary’s yard.…
April Perennial of the Month-Siberian bugloss/Brunnera
Few perennials bloom in spring as long as Siberian bugloss or Brunnera. (Brunnera spp. & cvs.) The charming blue flowers are as blue as one can get in the garden, especially in the…
March Tree of the Month-Star magnolia
Magnolia season is the start of the ‘big show’ in St. Louis regarding spring blooming trees. The first magnolia that takes the spotlight is the star magnolia, Magnolia stellata. Like their other deciduous cousins,…
March Perennial of the Month-Harry Lauder’s walking stick
Sir Winston Churchill deemed Harry Lauder Scotland’s greatest ambassador, but few in the U.S. know the man our Shrub of the Month was named after. The comedian was born in 1870 in Portobello,…
March Perennial of the Month-Barrenwort
Dry shade can be a common issue for most gardeners. The same shade that provides relief from the blistering sun for the shade garden can also mean competition from tree roots and, overall,…