Featured plants in the Lou!
October Perennial of the Month-Hardy begonia
Begonia grandis Begonias. The staple of annual plantings that most people recognize. Angel wing, tuberose, rex … all begonias are annuals, right? Enter the hardy begonia that in St. Louis starts performing in…
September Tree of the Month-Seven-son Flower
Heptacodium miconioides NOW SHOWING! Okay, I hear you, “Heptacodium is a shrub, not a tree!” I debated whether or not to put this under “Shrubs”, but the truth is, in my garden, my…
September Shrub of the Month-Little quick fire panicle hydrangea
Hydrangea paniculata ‘SMHPLQF’ LITTLE QUICK FIRE Think of hydrangeas and round, moppy heads come to mind. You know the one you bought because it was sooo blue in the photograph but is only…
September Perennial of the Month-New England aster
Perennial of the Month New England aster Symphyotrichum novae-angliae What would we do without the asters every fall? While the rest of the garden prays for an early frost to put it out of its…