Featured plants in the Lou!
April Tree of the Month-Dogwood
This month, we celebrate the official Missouri State tree, the flowering dogwood, Cornus florida and Cornus florida f. rubra. Some of you are saying our state tree is Hawthorn, but that’s the state…
A Spring Visit to Bellefontaine Cemetery and Arboretum
What is spring in St. Louis without daffodils? (Narcissus) The cheery flowers that don’t seem like such a big deal displayed in a vase or lining our walkways. However, when planted by the thousands well,…
2021 Annual Flower Review
April 2022 is right around the corner and St. Louis Gardeners are like anxious racehorses in the gate, just waiting for the signal from Mother Nature to race off and get planting! Some…
March Perennial of the Month-Hellebores
The weather is warming up. Days are growing longer … we are STARVED to see something blooming by this time of year! Hellebores, also known as Lenten rose, are shy flowers that like…
March Shrub of the Month-Hino Crimson Azalea
Oh, how St. Louis gardeners LOVE azaleas! We see those colorful photos in magazines and declare how wonderful our gardens will be next spring, full of colorful azaleas the size of a minivan.…
March Tree of the Month-Saucer Magnolia
“Woman has no seductions for the man who cannot keep his eyes off his magnolia.” And what man or woman can take their eyes off of a magnolia in full bloom? The anonymously…
February Perennial of the Month-Liriope
Liriope, sometimes called, monkey grass, is one the most commonly used groundcovers around town, and there’s a reason for that. IT WORKS. Sizzling St. Louis heat and humidity. Frigid temps with ice and…
February Shrub of the Month-Gold Mop Cypress
Chamaecyparis pisifera’ Golden Mop’ Japanese falsecypress, or in the trade, just plain ole, gold mop. The gold mop is quickly becoming one of our area’s most popular landscape shrubs. The bright gold foliage pops…
February Tree of the Month-Norway spruce
The noble Norway spruce, Picea abies, is one of the largest evergreens grown in the St. Louis area. With a height of 60+ feet and 35’ spread, Norways are not trees to casually…
January Perennial of the Month-Pachysandra
Many options exist when it comes to ground cover plants. Some are more maintenance than others, from frequent trimming all-season or constant watering. One ground cover that is truly low maintenance is Pachysandra…